Remember when I loved Ralph Macchio?
Apparently, I will totally embarrass myself in the hopes for some yarn. Whimsical Knitting is also having a contest with yarn as the prize. I'm working hard on that one. I really should stop telling people that there are these contests. I'd probably have a better chance at winning if I shut up!
p.s. thanks for the comments everybody!- ginx, please send that heat here. I'm wearing jeans and a fleece, and I'd much rather wear shorts and a tshirt!
I added some edits in red in my last post. Fixed up some stuff. Do you think I'll have a knitting post next time? Good question, huh? Have a great weekend!!
LOL, Ralph was a cutie! I had a poster of Rob Lowe (pre-sex scandal, of course, LOL!).
Ar, let's switch. I'll take care of your kids in the cold, and you can come take care of Crazy Baby Kitty. (It's 91 deg. today, dude.)
Me? I was a Scott Baio, grrl....
LOL! That's too funny! I had a thing for him too. Man, that headband was just the sexiest thing EVER.
We had agorgeous day here! There was just a little cool breeze that really I would wish it warmer but I said its been weird weather,and we are heading for hot stuff in the next month! We have long Autumns and long springs,Yum,....
Girl, you are the 1st one to have the answers in the blog contest, too! WTG, Ralph lover!
Its very warm here today, and I would rather it be more fall like - so you can take this and I'll take your cold!
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