Remember the cute baby pic of LD, I meant to tell del that she loves that pic, because it's her and she's in a frilly pink dress, and she's a baby. LD loves babies, she loves frilly pink stuff, and LD loves pics of herself! Well, del asked, so there!
So, LD thanks everyone for the hat compliments. (maybe I should change this blog to Arleta's and Arleta's Motley Wool) She is right this minute working on a golf club sock. I guess that is what you call those things.
Yeah, I think, as soon as I catch up on some things, I want to knit a sweater for myself. I think I want a pull over, definitely long sleeves. That's all I've got so far. g-girl says how about the Mariah. Hmm. I don't like to sew, (I can do it, cps, just not as well as you!) so no zipper, but it is a neat pattern. I think I'll go a little easier, though. I see g-girl is thinking about the Ivy knitalong. I like the Ivy pattern, it's a really pretty sweater. I still think I'm leaning toward a pull over, though. I just can't make up my mind, yet. I'm a Libra, I want it all, so I can't decide!!
Thanks to everyone for the nice words about the new Jaywalker Sock.

I did have a little time to knit on it today. I met Carrie this morning, and she worked on a sweater, and ran around (haha), while I worked on my sock. I got through the gusset, so I should get it finished really quickly, if the starving horde here, will let me find any time to knit. I swear the only time I do get to knit is when Carrie says "Let's go knit." When I'm here with the kids, they need me, when they aren't here, I see things I should be doing. By time everything's done, I'm tired!
So, this pic is of the Jaywalker sock taken with a plain stockinette stitch sock knit with the same yarn. Isn't the difference neat? Same yarn different pattern. Totally different look. I love the zig zags. They are sort of hard to see in the pic, but when the sock is all done, you'll see 'em. They are there in real life.
I started this post earlier this afternoon, then had to go run a few errands. Now, it's almost 9 and this old lady needs to make kids get ready for bed. When they are in bed I can finally go to sleep. It was so dreary here today, that I just felt yucky all day long. I need sunshine! Somebody send some sun up here to icy cold Michigan! Please!!
You can have our sun.. and heat.. from here in (still 85 degrees during the day..)Georgia. We don't want it anymore!!
I'd take the 85 degrees in a heart beat!! I could help you with a zipper too, if your interested.
Does that mean you want something with no sewing at all, like a top down raglan, or just not something with extra sewing (like zippers)? I'm just askin' cuz I can't start any more sweaters, so I'd be happy to help you pick one ;)
Go for a sweater knit in the round! Almost no finishing! :)
zipper? there's a zipper in that mariah?? lol. I've discovered that I'm a process knitter..I see something and I want to knit it. Will I actually knit it though, who knows @ this point. How about an aran? Didja get a look @ the one someone posted on kr?? I haven't quite picked out a sweater yet..just throwing ideas out. I just got my patternworks catalog and there are some cute ones in there...too many to choose from!
I love looking at pics of almost 'done' socks still on the dpns being worn by the knitter.
It looks like some kind of torture. Lol!
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