The first thing I did was make a cake. We had big pizzas last night and we're going to make cookies ASAP.
I need to come up with some great recipes now! I want to bake yummy stuff!

I've been knitting some squares for Jen to make into an afghan. I had a skein of Caron Simply Soft in a nice soothing blue, and I think this will be the best use for it. Sad things happen everyday. Nothing will fix the hurt, but hopefully this will help some.
Guess I'd better go get ready to let those gloved, masked people dig around in my mouth. Yuck! They just called, as I was typing this to see if I can come in an hour early. Sorry ~ no way! I made this appointment 6 months ago. Plus, I need to shower and have some breakfast first!
Thanks to everybody for the nice comments you leave! I need to go read some blogs. I'm having withdrawals. Yesterday, though, I was hanging out here and here. I have a real problem with yarn, and talking about yarn, and reading about yarn, and ...... LOL
Yay! I'm so envious of your new stove! Mine is old and nasty, and has probably been used by a few dozen other people (I live in an apartment.) I was hoping they'd replace it because the burners were sparking, but no. The just squeezed together the little prongy things on the burners that connect to the stove top. Boo. I want a new stove.
The dentist isn't so bad. You'll have nice pretty pearly whites when your done!
I love Caron Simply Soft! Not that i'm world traveled on acrylic yarns but, as far as the acrylics i have met, Simply Soft is the best! It's great for kids items and blankies, especially!!
Congrats on the new stove!!!
I love simply soft too. It seems to hold up well and it's well....soft. Nice stove! as for baking it's all about you Ar! I make too big of a mess unless it's those pre-plopped cookie wads that I can bake in my toaster oven!
Woohoo! Congrats on the new stove! I will go find my super easy banana bread recipe and mail it to you ASAP :) I didn't know about Getstitchy, but I should stay away, as I already lose too much time on Craftster lol!
Nice stove! It is great to get new appliances. I'll compare my crappy old kitchen to yours any day. ;)
Your stove looks very much like mine. Have fun baking :)
Yay, you got a stove! Have fun at the dentist, hee hee!
Congratulations! Your stove looks beautiful! I'll have to dig up a yummy cupcake recipe...mmm... chocolate... Good for you for knitting squares. Every caring gesture helps, ya know?
Yes, new stoves are so perfect! I hope to get one soon - I hate mine!
Very cool! It's hard to live w/o a good oven and stovetop.
Enjoy the new oven!
I don't think I could live without my stove and oven. Hmmm, yeah, I don't even want to think about that. I'll have to dig up my muffin recipe and maybe a few others.
wow! your new stove is gorgeous! ;) hope the dentist wasn't too bad!
I love your new stove --- very nice! I love the solid top --- so nice for clean up!
I recently bought a new stove too and laughed with a buddy --- you know you're almost a "real" adult when you get excited about appliances! ha-ha!
Congrats on the new stove! What are you going to make first? Hope the dentist went well....
I hate the dentist too - but I love how my teeth look at the end of the visit.
Enjoy the new stove. x
Someday I will have the kind of life that includes new appliances! ;-) I have a great recipe that I will send along your way.
At least your teeth will feel nice and clean.
It's beautiful! I need a new range and that might be just the one. DH does the cooking on our old GE.
Anywho! Congrats to you, and all the cake baking and cooking just got a LOT easier I wager. BIG GRINS!
Hope your trip to the dentist was easier than it sounds like it was going to be.
I love your new stove. Glad you are feeling better and I got your thank you for the robe. You are sweet too. Come and visit any time.
Don't forget to use that Splenda cookbook. I hope Cindy gets good at making those things. I could use a legal cake.
Love, Lorraine
nothing like a new oven/cooktop to bring on a wave of cooking.
I wonder if new cleaning implements would make me want to clean. hmmm. nope. :)
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