Thank you for all of the well wishes. I've been resting, and drinking tea, and last night I knitted. My getting sick even got Cindy's mom to delurk. LOL! She is so sweet! If I didn't send you an email to say thanks, I'm saying it right now. I think all the comments helped! Now the sore throat needs to leave and I'll be a-ok!
I didn't knit Tuesday, or Wednesday ~ at all! Last night I finally felt like I had some energy, so I knitted up two soapsocks for my SIL and BIL. I'll have to mail them out to them. They wanted a certain kind of soap, and they're smaller than the soaps I usually use. Then, I casted on for a variegated orange (handdyed by me) and brown one. (No pic, sorry)
I have about six more soaps to knit, and then I need to update my etsy shop.
I forgot I wanted to tell all y'all about this thing that happened when we were at the mall.
SP and MM were telling us how this girl came up to SP and said "You're gorgeous!"
So, The Don, my hubby says "And then her dog tried to bite you.."
and we're all like "What dog?"
and he says "Her seeing eye dog." Yeah, he thinks he's a comedian. No offense to anyone who needs a seeing eye dog, The Don just has a weird sense of humor.
Girls and Women hit on SP a lot ~ It is Scary! He's just a baby! He's not even 17 yet! At least this time the girl said it, and then ran away! I think she was like 14, or something. Way too young!
My kids have a half day of school today, so even though I just dropped them off, I have to go right back and get them. I am so glad it's Friday, though. Hopefully, I'll have some time to see what everyone blogged about this week, while I slept. Thank God for Hubby. He cooked dinner and did it all, while I zombied out on the couch all week! I think it's my turn to cook tonight!
Have a great weekend that is full of wooly knitted goodness!
p.s. See my new countdown thingy? I can't wait for summer!!
Your new countdown thingy is the first thing I saw! I love it - summer is my all time favorite season. I'm living in the wrong part of the country!
I just have to say again how much I love your soapsocks! I may have to steal your idea for next Christmas. They'd make great little extra gifts.
I'm so glad you are feeling better :)
I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.
It is funny that all those women and girls tell your son that. My son collects girls like they are in a harem. They surround him wherever we go. Of course, being 9 he doesn't always think that is a good thing.
the soap socks look great! I particularly like the light blue with the brown--it looks kind of argyle-y. glad to hear you're feeling better!
Hey you, glad you're feeling better - that's really sweet of the hubby to cover for you :) That's so funny about SP, I almost died when my nephew went through his cassanova phase. It's just too wierd to think of people lusting after our babies! LOL
Glad you're feeling better!
I swear, sometimes girls are so agressive!
I'm glad you are feeling better.
Isn't it funny how fast kids grow up. Even if you (or they) don't want them to.
Glad you're feeling better!
I'm glad that you are feeling better - even well enough to leave a comment on my blog LOL. My DH has been on the couch all week with the flu too - I'm fighting to keep it away from me! Love those sopasocks!
So glad that you are feeling better and back to knitting!! All of your soap socks look great!
Okay, the SP story was funny =-) I can't imagine how worried I'd be about strangers coming up and complimenting my kid. I think I'd tie him to his room or something! I bet he loves it, though. Your soaps look great! I love mine! Ooo a testimonial: My soap with its beautiful little jacket felts as I use it, and is just woolie and good.
I love your soap socks, what a great idea.
Oh boy I would be locking him up away from those young floosies he he!!
Can't wait for summer, either! Hope you're feeling better this weekend.
Those soap socks are quite snazzy!
Glad you are feeling better! The soapsocks a.re just too cute
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