I've been a bad blogger. Sorry. The mood in my house is making me depressed and not much fun to be around. I haven't felt like doing much at all. Not even read blogs! Actually, I want to, I just don't get around to it .... I don't know .... winter's killing me!!
I have so many knitting projects that I want to do and that I want to start, but there's no time. I've been knitting some squares that are plain, and at first it was nice, peaceful knitting, but it has turned a bit boring.
When my boys were really little my mother made them some Granny Square afghans. MM's was crib sized, and SP's was toddler bed sized. Well, SP is over six foot tal

We got some warmer weather (40s-50s f) for a couple of days, but it's back into the 30s, now. :( Look at the difference one week made on the Bay! I love the fog, but I have Cabin Fever, or Spring Fever, or something! I think everybody in this house does! Everyone is cranky and depressed. Urgh!!!! I need winter to be over!!!!
Ok, I'm going to run the kids to school real quick . . . . Be right back.
I'm back, and I was wrong about the temperature out there. It's 23 degrees f., and if you didn't know, it's cold!
I have to take a quick shower, and go do some data entry stuff for the neighbors. Hope everyone, everywhere is feeling a lot better than I am!!
A little sunshine will work wonders. Spring is just around the corner. Hang in there.
Every year around this time, I start (yeah right, start) to go absolutely crazy! I need me some warmth and sunshine. I noticed one good thing, though - your Days until Summer ticker is down to double digit numbers :)
Yep, think warm thoughts. We just had a teaser of spring with 70s and 80s, but today back to reality. I was great to open the house and play outside. I even consented to playing a little baseball with my youngest.
I can't wait to see the modified blankets.
26 degrees here in alaska no joke. but tons and tons of snow. ugh the parking lots here have more snow then cars LOL
i know what you mean cabin fevor.but knitting for me is my best friend. love knitting. its the only thing keeps me sane. and living with mikey my 23 year old grandson can make you totally nuts . we raised him from who knows how old so he is actually my youngest child at home again. in between jobs apartments and relationships . ughhhhhhh . when it gets out of hand i go knit. when he is talking to me like i am a child i go knit. when he teats me like i am to ancient to know better i go knit. when he treats me like i cant do nothing right i go knit. i sure wish his your to old to know nothing phase would hurry up and pass. LOL but turth be told i knit even when things go right.
hope your doing better today. hugs from the snow queen in alaska
I know what you mean Arleta. I thought that winter would never end, then we had three days of 70 degree weather. Now we're sliding back into freezing and they are predicting snow. blech
Fondle some soft yarn and think springy thoughts. It's just around the corner!
Hey, it looks like we'll have to throw in an extra knitting day, just to get you out of the house. That always makes me feel better, anyway =) Doing anything tomorrow morning? Bring some sticks and string...
Hope you're back o your cheery self soon. I think everyone is feeling it.
I'm with you! I'm so over Winter, bring on Spring! We're due to get snow today. Bah!
Love the bay pics, very cool!
whatever it is you have, I got it too!
Hope you get over the winter blahs soon! It's great that you can add on to the kids' blankets!
you're not the only one with a lot of projects in mind. I'm trying to hold back though..and if that isn't enough, oh well. Not like we're running out of room here with all my wips! lol. hope that it warms up a bit.
It's a bad time of year for sure. just remember, "in like a lion, out like a lamb". I love the story of the afghans.
Actually I am in the same boat, and it's a boat that I find myself in every year at this time. No motivation, slightly to moderately depressed and feeling FAT. Bleah...I am all for the end of winter and some fresh air in the house and into my daily routine.
Yep, I know just what you mean cuz it was the same over here in Chicago. It's like the gods are taunting us. Grab some Malabrigo or something and tell yourself this is the last time for a while you'll get to knit with it cuz soon it'll be too warm. Then maybe you can bear the cold weather a little longer.
Keep knitting Arleta... summer is just around the corner.
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