Thanks for all of the well wishes. The Little Diva is feeling better. On her sick day, we sorted crayons, markers and colored pencils. And we tested every marker. A lot of drawing goes on in this house and we need to make sure the materials work, right? LOL
Thanks also for the nice comments about the irritating person in my life. I'm still upset, but I'm not going to dwell on it. Or I'm going to try not to dwell on it.
Crazy blogger, the paragraphs are squeezing together again! Sometimes it fixes itself when I hit publish, and sometimes it doesn't. Oh well, colorful post once again.
I had so much fun yesterday knitting with Carrie and Melanie. Just what I needed. I've been working on some UFOs, and soap socks. Nothing new has jumped out at me. Which is rare. I usually have startitis, and then I spread the startitis around. Last night after dinner, LD and I knitted a bit more. She is on row two of her 250 stitch scarf. I've been working on my second pair of Jaywalkers. I don't know why I haven't finished them. I'm just slowly knitting them ... on and on. I love that pattern, and I wear the ones I finished all of the time. Weird!

Ok, one time Suz showed a couple of pics of "the lake" at different times of the year, so I thought I'd copy-cat her. :P
Here are two pics of Lake Michigan, just a few blocks from my house. One is in October, and one is from this morning, right after I dropped the kids off at school. The snow drift (that you can't see in front of me) is as tall as my van, and the ones down by the water are HUGE!
This other pic is of the bay across the street from my house. There are ice fishing shanties out there, and you can see the old building that I've shown before. Those snowdrifts are very tall, and the road is snow covered, as usual around here!
Well, I should go get ready to 'work' over at the neighbors. Tomorrow, the kids will be home early, so I'll have to fight to get the computer to read blogs. LOL.
Hope everyone has a great weekend, if we don't chat before then. :D
the pictures are gorgeous! i like the one with the snow drifts. very peaceful. :) ohh, i'm getting hungry for cookies now! i love that LD is on row 2 of her 250 stitch scarf! ;)
Great pictures! I must say that I like the October pic the best (cuz I hate the cold).
I like reading your blog in color :)
The lake pictures are so great, I really miss seeing that much water. Here a lake looks more like a pond when you're used to living on a great lake! And those cookies kick serious a*#. My favourites are the Hey Ho - Let's go! Ramones rock! Is RHPS for rocky horror picture show??
If we lived that close to a lake, I don't think I'd ever see my husband. He'd be fishing around the clock! Very nice pictures.
Ahhhh, love the seasonal Lake photos. Copy away, any time! ;)
Those pics are so pretty! And I'm also slooooowly working on a sock, but I love handknit socks so much, I don't know what's taking me so long.
Love the pictures of the lake. I can't wait to see a Spring one!! Hope it is soon!!!!! The cookies look great... of course sugar cookies are one of my favorites!! It's always a little sad to eat the beautiful art work tho!! Knitting with friends... what a great way to spend time!! Lucky you!!
Terrific Pictures, AR! Glad everyone is feeling better. Think I'll call you later, k? Think Spring! hehe
Beautiful pics. Happy weekend to you too!
Great pic's I wish we still got snow like that around here. There was a lot more when I was a kid. The Great Lakes are a must see for anyone who loves scenic travel.
Love the tribute to the Ramones on the cookies. I'm glad the little lady is doing better. Beautiful pictures. Ice shanties are great. I love how they little peoples yards around here all summer long.
HAHA depending on the time of year here if there is any boat near by i neverr see my hubby at all and if there is no boat him nd the grands can be found on the local docks.
lovely pictures and i love love love those cookies wowwww. my grand daughterr bakes cookies but for some reason i havent seen any since christmas when she turned out some 6 ice cream buckest full wouldnt you know i got a few tastes but not one bucket of my own LOL oh well glad all is well
loved digging for the truth this week totally awesome
I've had startitis pretty bad the last few days... any idea how to cure it??
I love the lake pictures! The lighthouse is just too neat...
I love the cookies! Did my eyes deceive me? Did I see a Mario Bros cookie? :)
Sorry I haven't written back in a while. You leave so many nice comments on my blog! I feel bad for not commenting as much to you!
The pictures are great, too. It dawned on me, though, why you want summer to arrive so badly. You're in Michigan where it's super cold. That means, during summer, you weather is going to be "just right." Here in Atlanta, we look forward to the Spring and Fall, but dread Summer because it is HOT. Actually, our warm weather has already started. We will be in the upper seventies for most of this week! BUT, Summer will be here REALLY SOON, and I won't even want to leave my apartment!
Okay. I'm babbling.
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