My shawl yarn should be here this week. While waiting I dug out an old lacy project. This is my Branching Out scarf that I started a l-o-n-g time ago. I live in the house of UFOs. It is being knit with some of my kool aid dyed sock yarn.
Well, yesterday wasn't all sadness here, thinking about our Dads. We really had a very nice Father's Day. Hubby was awoken with presents and a wonderful bagel & egg sandwich, orange juice, and coffee made by his sweet little daughter. (with a little help from Mom) I think she's going to be a really good cook!
We spent a few hours at the beach, sunning, and playing in the sand and water. I took some really neat pictures on Hubby's new cell phone, and if I ever figure out how to get them onto the computer, I'll share them.
Here's a little bit about my Dad.
He was born on the 4th of July 1928. I believe that the picture I posted yesterday was from around 1945 when he was only about 17 years old! By the time I was born in 1973, he was 45! I am the youngest of 7 kids. The picture is a bit deceiving since it's old and in sepia tone, but he was pretty dark complected, being part Native American Indian. I apparently got the French, German, and Scotch Irish genes with the green eyes and lighter skin. At least I tan easily and stay that way for a while. :) He was color blind, and would argue with you about what color something was. LOL That's where MM got his color blindness from. Family ~ it's what it's all about, isn't it?
I want to say thank you to everyone for the nice comments about my shrug, and my Father's Day post. I love this community. It feels like family to me!
Now I have a Little Diva impatiently waiting for me to come play Polly Pocket Dolls with her. Hope everyone has a great week!
I'm glad you had a good weekend and got some knitting done.
My husband is a little color blind, too. We have many, many arguments over what color something is, because he doesn't believe he has a problem. Lavender is always blue. Some olive greens are "brown" to him.
Sorry to hear about your father. I can't imagine losing either of my parents. I've been lucky in that death hasn't been present in my life.
That scarf is going to be awesome--love the colors!
how sweet of LD to make her dad breakfast yesterday! :) sounds like you all had a nice father's day.
Oh, Polly Pockets! I used to play with my niece. LOL!
I love the "Branching Out" pattern. I think i'm going to use mine as a table runner when we get our own place...some day. LOL!
Love the branching out scarf! Very pretty yarn. I have to make a quilt block, and all I want to do is knit on the shawl! It's torture! Crafting torture. That's funny =)
Sounds like you had a nice Father's Day! I loved the picture and post of your Father...
The scarf is going to be beautiful. I love the colors in it!
Great post about your dad! I'm so happy to still have mine. I'm sorry about you losing yours.
Keep going on that scarf. It looks like you're close to being finished.
Wow that scarf is really beautiful! I am glad that you had a wonderful weekend with your husband. I am sorry to hear about the passing of your father but he it seems if left you with very fond memories of him. =)
xoxoxoxoxo! :)
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