Yesterday LD had two birthday parties to go to, so Hubby and I decided to go Mushroom Hunting. First we climbed up a scenic view thing in Arcadia, MI. I thought I'd share some pictures of the view. It is seriously gorgeous! (Click to make big!) I guess I've lost my fear of heights. I used to get dizzy from just standing up there, but yesterday, I felt good enough to lean over the edge and take a pic of the bluffs down toward where we live.

Enjoy the nature pics and have a great Mother's Day!! I'm going out to dinner with my mom, Hubby is out to brunch with his mom right now. I got gifts, and of course gave handknit soap socks with other Mother's Day gifts today. :)
I'll have some knitting pictures again, soon! Knit on!! And, Thanks to everyone who wished MM a happy birthday! He loved all of the comments!
That place is beautiful! Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to you!!
Thanks for joining the One Sock Two Sock webring!
The nature pictures are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing them.
Wow, morels, luck you! Sounds like a greta way to spend the day, Happy Mother's Day!
Ahhh, thank you for all of the wonderful pictures of our favorite Lake. ;) I feel renewed just seeing them.
Happy Mother's Day!
Yum! Morel mushrooms rock! My grandma always fried or sauteed them - so yummy!
Beautiful views, thanks for sharing!
Morel Mushrooms?! My all time lucky girl!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
HeeHee. I can't see mushrooms, either. =) But your pictures are beautiful! Hope you had a good day!
Oh wow! That looks so awesome! I love Morels too. Hope you had a lovely mother's day :)
Happy belated Mother's Day! :)
Got a pet pig? You'd be able to start a business that would definitely mushroom!
Hope you had a grea Mother's Day!
mmmmmm............Morels are the BEST. I love a fetuccini with morels added in oh yum!!!
Beautiful pictures! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day
wow, such beautiful pictures! you need to refer back to these in the winter time, I think. :) I don't think I've ever had a morel mushroom before!
Beautiful piccies, and morels YUMMMY. My YDDs go shroom hunting with friends, too.
Loved the triliums. They are a sure sign of spring, so they are. Thanks for sharing the adventures and the pictures, too. I'm so glad you had a lovely Mother's Day.
They view looks amazing! I'm going to have to make a point to visit it someday.
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