OK, here's where I prove what geeks we really are. I hope this works. I love trying new things, but this video clip remix is giving me fits! (Click on it to open a new window, that had better play the video!)

Motley? Yep, motley because I dye yarn to knit in many colors. Motley also means of many different or clashing elements, and that sums me, and my life up pretty well.
Cool! I need to learn to do such things with a computer!
Sweet hubby!
haha, you rock. I think that's so awesome you went to see Joan Jett. I can't get the video to work, but I think it's this pc's fault. Too bad, I really want to hear the beer song! lol
Heyyy, the video looked great! Much exploding from the volcano, and with only 9 mentos! However, I couldn't get the sound to work. =( It must be my computer. I'm going to try again tomorrow. Nice job!
Awesome!!!! The guys here loved the video. :)
OMG, Alice...get the girls some towels, Peter's Volcano erupted all over their prim and proper clothing!
Very cool video!
Hey, your gifty picture wouldn't clickity biggitey for me! :(
Thanks for sharing the video on K1B2.
I was a bit worried for a moment when I saw it and the first thing that popped into my head was "Arleta, Arleta, Arleta... what HAVE you been up to now!!!"
Great job on the remix. Liked the music too! x
By the way
finally, my interview is OUT~~ at "Knitting time Together:
Check out my blog to listen!
Video played well here, too. Two thumbs up!
Love your punk knitta bracelet. What a sweet guy is your DH. =0)
cool video! and very cool bracelet too. :)
talk about an eclectic life! Girl scouts, knitting and joan jett, wow!
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