I remember promising some pictures, and I've finally decided to get off my lazy butt, and show off a bit. To the right are pictures of the awesome quilt my MIL made for my husband and me. It queen sized, and I picked the colors. Actually, they are his faves, if I chose my favorites, the quilt would have been orange (and black). Of course! I love it, though. It's huge, and warm, and she did a spectacular job!

These pictures are some of the gifts that I knit for Christmas. I made so many things this year! I was bad and forgot to take pictures of most of them, though.
I made MIL some ft clogs, but I attached real slipper bottoms (plasticy rubber ones) to the bottoms. I made her sister the blue ft clogs.
I am especially proud of the flip top mittens, though. I handdyed the fiber, spun it, plied it, and knit some fingerless mitts for Oldest Son's gf. Oldest Son said she had been shopping for just the right flip top mittens, so I finished the thumbs, then picked up stitches and made mitten tops that flip down. I found a really cute button (no pic) and voila! She was wearing them every time I saw her before they went back to college. It always feels so great when people appreciate handmade gifts.
The striped gloves were for Oldest Son. I dyed the yarn, hoping for black and white, but the black broke (I guess that's the dyeing term I mean) I love how the black/brown/whatever stripes turned out (full of win) so I like them anyway.
The last pic is of some handspun (by me) mitts I made for Lil' AR.
So, I hope to get on here alot more, and come visit all of my fave blogs. Maybe when winter gets out of here, I'll feel better. I finished a big (for me) knitting project, and as soon as I get some good photos, I'll be back to share!
Knit on!