The shawl is on her way! I actually got my yarn on Monday. What a surprise. Knitpicks has always been so quick for me. I love it. I couldn't just order yarn for Shawlly, though, could I?
I got some sock yarn, too, and sock needles. LD had to have a bit of stash enhancement, also. She got the little roll of Get Away in Rafting. Hubby calls it Mystery Machine, because it looks like the van from Scooby Doo. Hehe. You can see the bracelet LD finger-knitted for me with it in one of the pics.
Wednesday, as I was knitting with Carrie, I had to rip and start over. All of the knitting that is done was done on Wednesday evening, though. I think I got to do about two rows yesterday. Urgh! Laundry and Housework. Yes, Rhoda, I forgot our rule, too. LOL
I have shared a pic of our patio to be. We are digging out the area in front of the garage and putting down cement and pretty bricks. We have to dig out the bricks we put down last summer, too. You can see the bricks piled up in front of my yarn tree. That's where I dry my yarn. I had to wash the gloss, because it smelled funny to me. I think it may have been the silk. That's what I'm telling myself any way! I washed it on Tuesday, and it was dry enough to take to knitting on Wednesday. I want to knit more! Hopefully, I'll have time to do it today. I just have to keep the rule in mind!
The tree in my shrug post is going to have a tire swing in it for LD. The boys have always played outside a lot more than she ever does, and I think that will help. I can sit on the patio and knit while she tire swings and we'll both get fresh air!
That's it for knitting right now. I usually don't get too depressing on here, but something very sad happened in our small town the other night. A young couple, that my oldest son knew, perished in a fire. I keep thinking about their families. The two of them were to be married in a couple of weeks. I'd like it if everyone could say a prayer, if you do that, or just send out some loving thoughts to them. I can't imagine the pain and heartache that must be flowing through those families. Hug your families and friends really tight, and let them know how much you love them.
Pretty shawl! i love your yarn tree.
That *is* really sad news about the couple who passed away. I will send up some prayers.
Hey, new KP yarn? Need to check that out!
The shawl is looking fantastic. Great yarn tree. I know our girls like their swing. Sitting outside and knitting sounds peaceful, are you sure you won't be needing to push her more than you knit? :)
A yarn tree? you'd better hope that I don't locate it. I'll be picking away.
So sad about the couple...I'll include them in my meditations.
So sorry to hear about the couple. It's so terrible.
The shawl is going to be so pretty. The yarn looks perfect for it. I'm so sorry to hear about your son's friends. Praying for those that knew and loved them.
Very loving and well wishes go to their families. That really is a tragedy.
On happier things, Your shawl is looking beautiful, I can't wait to see it all finished!
you know, sometimes we can't escape the rule! :P The shawl is going to be gorgeous!! Your patio is going to be nice too! That is so sad about that couple. Sending loving thoughts to their families and those that knew them.
Nice patio! And I love the shawl pic. It looks just right. I'm going to post it on my blog =) I'm going to go hug some family now. Thanks for mentioning that.
It's looking gorgeous!!!
And, um, I'm afraid I didn't read the last paragraph when I first commented. I'm so sorry. What an incredibly sad thing. I, like Carrie, am now going to go hug my family.
So sorry to hear about that young couple. :-(
I hope you can take solace in your knitting--the shawl's coming along great so far.
Nice Stash enhancement, and I love the pattern in that shawl.
Sorry to hear about the couple - I hope your son is coping okay.
Oh, how sad about the couple. Stupid fragility of life!
But the tire swing sounds so cool. I want a tire swing. Well, since getting older I get sick in those things, but I bet little girl will have lots of fun in hers.
The shawl is going to be beautiful!! You've picked a great color.
Such terrible news. I'll send a few prayers.
Shawlly looks great so far, and good luck with the patio.
Ar, you sound like my mother!
I hope you get some downtime soon!
The shawl looks great!
Sorry about the couple. What a horrible way to go!
Great shawlly. I clicked through and found the pattern. Thanks.
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