This is so crazy. We've never just decided to up and go anywhere. Every thing we've ever done has always been planned out completely.
Thanks to Lisa's Mom (My second Mom) and her Step-Dad, we only had to pay for the plane tickets and souvenirs!! We had the best trip ever. It's no secret that we aren't rich. We never could have afforded such a spectacular trip without good friends and family!!
The MIL took care of the kids. Carrie helped out with LD, while the MIL had to finish work after school for a couple of days. Thanks, Carrie!!!!

By the way, Carrie is having a blog contest, you should go check it out!!
Hubby learned a little guitar from Lisa's step-dad. I knitted (a tiny bit, while listening to a Lime and Violet Podcast) by the pool, and Lisa, as usual was on the cell. Hehehehehe (Click for big big pics!)
We ate way, way, way too much! Hubby found four sharks teeth in the Gulf (I found 24) LOL
Carrie and I are going to meet for knitting tomorrow. I'll have to update you about my UFO progress soon. I'll have to show y'all a pic of the soap socks I made for Lisa's Mom and Step-Dad. (Greatest Hosts Ever!!) and the bracelet I made for Rhoda.
Bed time! I'm beat and missing the sun!
Knit on!!