What fun. I am so happy to be passing the love of fiber along to the next generation.
We went to school last night for ice cream and to meet the third grade teacher LD will have this year. Of course, we have known her forever, since she was my teacher, and the teacher for LD's two big brothers when they were smaller. She is a knitter! Yay, knitters!
She asked if I could come in and demonstrate the drop spindle for her class later in the year when they read a story about wool from sheep to sweater, or something. I said definitely!
She will also be continuing with the knitting in her classroom, since it was a big hit in past years. I'll be doing the afterschool classes again, too. As long as there is $ for supplies, I'm there!

Well, here is my two plied yarn. It really looks like yarn. Thanks so much to Carrie, for getting me hooked. I've had the stuff for a year, but I just couldn't get it. Now, I think I've got it!
I love the plying part, it's fun. Now, I have to get back to work. There really is truth in the saying a "clean house is a sign of a broken computer"! Hehe
Oh, yeah, I have to say Melanie, another knitting friend was with us when Carrie was showing me how to two-ply and she was just as confused as I was at first, but she isn't a spinner (YET) LOL
Thank you all for the nice comments!!
p.s. My camera date is all messed up, so if you click and see the pics bigger, ignore the date. 2002, Jeeshe!