The baby turned ten today! Now all of our kids are in double digits. Lil' AR and
Carrie's oldest daughter have been planning an awake over (sleep over - but stay awake all night) since June, and Lil' AR and I decided a birthday party was a good time to do it. I wasn't too sure about six little girls and me, so I invited Carrie and Melanie to stay over, too. We kicked the guys upstairs, made lots of food, and had a party. I always thought having a grown up sleep over would be fun, so I was glad for an excuse to party with my friends.
Surprisingly, I was able to fit ten candles onto one ice cream cone cupcake, and we had presents for the birthday girl (lots of Webkinz). The kids watched dvds in her bedroom, and we mommys meant to watch some Johnny Depp, but we talked all night and never even watched a movie. Knitting was done, though.
The next day was a big one, too. Before everyone left we had

some banana pancakes and fruit and mmmm coffee. Then, the family came over to celebrate and give more Webkinz to the decade girl. Staying up until four, up before seven, and then having another birthday party wasn't too smart, but it turned out very well. We all had a great time. I can't wait for another awake over!
Lil' AR loves to bake and cook with me, so she decorated her own cake (and cupcakes for school tomorrow) That's alotta cake!
What a great time, with great friends!
Next post I'll have to tell all about the fo's I've got. They're piling up! Knit on, y'all!